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Mancala and Toguzkumalak (Toguz Korgool) in Kurultaj 2018 (Hungary)

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Introduction of the guests – the representatives of 27 nations Kurultaj 2018 will take place during the 8-15.08. 2018 in Bugac (Hungary).

The list of participating nations and tribes: Azerbaijani, Avar, Bashkir, Bulgarian, Balkar, Buryat, Chuvash, Gagauz, Kabardino, Karachay, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Madjar tribe of Kazakhstan, Kirghiz, Kumi, Mongolian, Nogai, Uzbek, Madzsar tribe of Uzebekistan, Tatar, Turkish, Tuva, Turkoman, Uyghur, Yakut, Hungarian.

Archeological and anthropological exhibitions in the ’’Yurt of the Ancestors’’

One of the most successful elements of the Kurultaj is the anthropological and archeological exhibition, called the ’’Yurt of the Ancestors’’, which consists of two huge yurts. The exhibition is arranged in cooperation with several museums. This year, there will be a unique additional exhibition, called the Elite Corps, which won the title of ’’Exhibition of the Year’’ in 2014. The exhibition shows the rich archeological finds of cemeteries located near Karos of the Hungarian conquest period. Its elements are exhibited in the Ottó Herman Museum of Miskolc, and now part of the exhibition will be visible at the Kurultaj as well.

’’Yurt of Atilla’’, half-circle painting of ’’The Arrival of the Huns’’, exhibitions

Just like in other years, in between the two exhibition yurts, the world’s largest yurt will be constructed, the ’’Yurt of Atilla’’. The diameter of the yurt measures over 20 meters. The reconstructions of archeological finds, the anthropological facial reconstructions, and paintings in the yurt make the era of the Huns come alive.

The world’s largest yurt can be disassembled and it’s constructed of natural materials. Apart from the archeological exhibition, inside the yurt we will also be able to admire the enormous half-circle painting, called ’’The Arrival of the Huns’’. The painting measures over 20 meters and is a tribute to Atilla the Hun, who founded an empire in the Carpathian Basin.

The anthropological and archeological exhibition in the ’’Yurt of Atilla’’ is coordinated by a professional scientific team. The three huge yurts together are called the ’’Yurts of the Ancestors’’, and the exhibitions inside these yurts are realized through the cooperation of several scientific institutions.

Procession of Avar and Hungarian armoured horsemen, clothing of Hunnic leaders, Hun army

In the year 2010, the greatest sensation of the Kurultaj was the reconstruction of an Avar armour. In 2012, a group of Hungarian warriors with reconstructed armours of the Hungarian conquest period was also presented. In 2014, we could in addition admire the reconstruction of a Hunnic leader’s clothing, and a group of warriors following him on the battle field.

Experimental archeology demonstrations

Archeologists and artists will present ancient bronze casting techniques in a spectacular way. Also, we will be able observe a master of a very important craft of that period that’s become rare in our time, namely the weaponsmith. There will be a possibility to have a look at the working process of the weaponsmith.

Nomadic horse and archery competitions

The Turan Association announces horse racing, horse wrestling, and ’Köböre’ (Kökpar – Buszkasi) competitions, as well as a unique archery obstacle course competition with valuable prizes. There is no entry fee for the competitions. In 2016, teams of 5 and 10 players will compete with each other in the ’Köböre’ championship.

Armoured combat contest on foot

The armoured warriors on foot are going to battle against each other, wearing 9th -11th century clothing, armours, and weapons. The battles are not based on a planned choreography; they are improvised and therefore closely resemble the real battles of that period. The duel contest will attract a huge audience, and the competitors who participate in the duels will have the chance to win significant prizes.

Horseback combat demonstrations with the best warriors

During the three days of the event, we will be able to see numerous horseback archery and horseback combat demonstrations. Among others, the Vermes tribe from Slovakia (Upper Hungary), the ’’Pusztai Rókák’’ (Foxes from the Puszta), the Bodnár tribe, the Nagy tribe, and the Hungarian Turan Select Team will present themselves. (Note that the tribes refer to groups that belong to the Kassai Horse-Archery School.) European 9th – 11th century armoured soldiers will fight against Eastern equestrian nomadic warriors on the battle field.


In cooperation with renowned Hungarian and foreign lecturers, just like in previous years, scientific presentations will be held in the tent of presentations. Apart from some informative presentations (journey narratives, geopolitics), there will be scientific presentations, which can be attended and understood by everyone who is interested. The topics will cover the ancient history of the Hungarians and the Turanian nations. All of the lecturers who will be presented at the Kurultaj are professional scientists and internationally recognized researchers.

Handicraft demonstrations and fair

People will have the possibility to get acquainted with the items and the work processes of craftsman and artisans. Only those who sell products that contain exclusively Hungarian (that is, from the Carpathian Basin) materials can participate in the fair.

Archaic and modern versions of traditional folk music and dance

There will be Hungarian and foreign performers who were never seen in Europe before.

This year, the artists of the invited brother nations who arrive to the Kurultaj will be holding demonstrations of traditional folk music and dances. For the first time, the Hungarian audience will have the possibility to see several dances and listen to music for which Europeans would have to travel thousands of kilometers to the East. The Turanian brother nations will be giving over 50 cultural performances.

Remembering our ancestors – fire ritual

On the occasion of this celebration, accompanied by numerous shaman drummers, the world’s largest shaman drum will be sounded by the shamans who recall the Hungarian ancient religion. In 2016, the Hungarians and the representatives of their brother nations will continue to celebrate the memory their glorious ancestors. The distant brothers are meeting again. We invite you to join us. Let’s pay tribute to the memory of our ancestors and their great deeds.


Bugac Puszta, outskirts of the village Bugac. GPS coordinates: 46.676032, 19.652499


Those who arrive to the Kurultaj with a tent (normal size, max. 5-6 m2) have the possibility to lodge at our campsite for 4000 HUF / 3 days / tent. Registration is not needed for the camping. Camping with a yurt is free, but for the yurt camp people are required to bring their own yurt.
There are hot water showers and toilets available on the territory. Security takes care of maintaining the order. Arrival on the campsite is possible from Friday morning, and there is space enough.
The price for the parking spot is 800 HUF every time you arrive with the car.
It’s prohibited to make fire on the territory!
Smoking is only allowed on the designated places!

Application for the yurt camp:

What facilities will I have to pay for at the event?

The entrance to the event is free, just like camping with a yurt. There is no entry fee for the competitions. The price of the parking spot is 800 HUF every time you enter with the car. The price of camping in a tent is 4000 HUF for the three days of the event. Naturally, the foods and drinks that are sold at the event have to be paid for, but it’s allowed to bring one’s own food.


In the minds of the Hungarian people the memory of their Central Asian origins is still very much alive. Since the mid 19th century the genealogy of the Hungarian nation has been a topic of heated debates and discussions among different scientists. Over the past half-century, especially during the communist regime, the theory of Finno-Ugric origin of the Hungarians has been aggressively imposed with complete disregard to the variety of arguments. However, archaeological, anthropological and genetic studies tell us a different story. Modern scholars, particularly archaeologists and anthropologists, are of the opinion that the anthropological specificity and culture of the Hungarian people that conquered their land and made it home, is more analogous to Central Asian Turkic people with some Iranian and Scythian influences. In addition, the origin of the Hungarian tribes, to a large extent, can be attributed to Hunnic tribal alliance. One of the most important highlights of the history of Hungarians is establishing of historical homeland under the leadership of Arpad Khan (conquest of the Carpathian Basin at the end of 9th century).

Hungary’s more than one thousand years of history in the middle of Europe has shaped its culture as the most westernized of the nomadic cultures. Today the Hungarian nation is united (without tribal division) but much of the Hungarian nation’s history is characterized by a system of tribal segmentation, like most nomadic cultures. One of the most ancient Hungarian legend is the story of binding the tribes by taking a so called “blood oath”. During this event the leaders of the allied tribes chose one from among them to be the great commander, and swore to serve him and his descendants. Almos was chosen whose name is derived from the Hungarian word “álom” (“dream” in English). The tale behind his name and of his birth is another legend. In it, a mythical bird, the Turul, (falcon – tribal totem and the ancient symbol of the Hungarians) flew through the top opening into the yurt of Emese, a daughter of one of the noble tribe leaders, while she was sleeping (and dreaming) and fathered her a son who then was named Almos.

It was then the son and successor of Almos, the great commander, Arpad, who led the tribes when they took over the territories of the Carpathian Basin, hence the Hungarians gained their historical homeland. Therefore, the great leader, Arpad, is one of the most important figures of Hungarian history and a symbol of power and unity of the nation. Thus, the dynasty that the Turul had started according to the legend is named the dynasty of Arpad (or Turul dynasty). Arpad and his descendants have written the most glorious chapters of Hungarian history. This dynasty ruled Hungary for over 400 years.

Lord Árpád

It is noteworthy that the roots of the Hungarian tribes go far back into history and into the East, many hundreds of years prior to their establishment in Europe. From ancient legends and tales as well as the scriptures of medieval Hungarian historians we know that the tradition of Arpad dynasty comes from Attila the Hun.

Scientific research confirms that even before Hungarians found their new home country, other nomadic tribes were settling in the Carpathian Basin, they had become the western wing of the endless Eurasian steppes. These nomadic tribes eventually settled on this land and were the first people from various Kurgan nations and later also Scythian and Sarmatian tribes (starting in the early of 1st millennium BC). At the beginning of the 5th century Huns arrived at the territory of the Carpathian Basin and made it the center of their European empire.

It was here where the great leader, Attila the Hun, lived and ruled the empire After his death he was buried in his new homeland, under the waters of Tisza river. According to the legend, to bury Attila, his people built a dam to block the waters of the Tisza river at one of its islands After Attila was buried the dam was removed and water flowed again. Thus, under the big river Attila, the mighty leader of the Huns “sleeps the eternal sleep “.

After the death of Attila, German tribes that had been serving the Huns started to take over territories of the Carpathian Basin. In 568 AD, they were defeated by the nomadic Avar tribe from Inner Asia, which had built a  very strong army under the command of Bayan Kagan. The Avar Kaganat was established in the conquered territory and it became the most powerful state in Europe at the time. It lasted until the Hungarians gained their historical homeland.

After the death of Attila the majority of the Hun tribes traveled east to the steppes of the northern Black Sea and the northern foothills of the Caucasus. Later, in 895-896 AD, a tribal alliance of Hungarians traveled West, eventually settling in the Carpathian Basin where they founded the European Principality of Hungary. This state was well organized and had assembled an extremely strong army. At that time this was the most powerful state in Central and Eastern Europe. The Hungarians collected tributes from a very large part of Europe and their conquests spread to the territories of modern Spain.


Kurultaj is a celebration of preservation of ancient traditions, it serves as a revival of ancient Hungarian and other nomadic cultures, paying tribute to great ancestors.

Within the framework of this event the organizing party builds a large nomadic village that contains many yurts. A large number of horses also participate in this event. To this date, Kurultaj is the largest celebration of ancient traditions in Hungary that gladly welcomes guests, especially from Hun-Turkic nations with whom Hungarians have many historical and cultural ties.

This celebration attracts the people who preserve the ancient Hungarian traditions not only from Hungary, but also Hungarians who live on territories of boarding countries.

Kurultaj takes place is in the suburbs of the Bugac village, 160 km south of Budapest, at one of the most beautiful Hungarian steppe areas on the outskirts of Kiskunság National Park Here you can also find the largest sand dunes in Europe. This region is one of the centers of the Hungarian shepherd culture and equestrian sport.
